Main Line:
(985) 446-7606
Fax Line:
(985) 493-8756
Postal Address:
P.0. Box 5418310 W. 2nd St
Thibodaux LA, 70301

Press Releases and Newsletters
Board of Adjustments Meeting Notice
Post Date | Updated At |
Wednesday, May. 20th at 3:40 PM | Wednesday, May. 20th at 3:43 PM |
Phone: 446-7606
The City of Thibodaux’s Board of Adjustments will be conducting their regular meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. via the Zoom app, and the public is invited to join. The link below can be used to enter the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Guidry at 985-446-7205.
City of Thibodaux COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update
Post Date | Updated At |
Tuesday, May. 19th at 10:31 AM | Tuesday, May. 19th at 10:38 AM |
Phone: 446-7606
The City of Thibodaux just completed the fifteenth Unified Command Group (UCG) meeting where the Mayor made executive decisions regarding the City of Thibodaux. The COT has modified phase one to reflect the UCG and departmental staff meetings transitioning from online to physical meetings with social distancing starting on May 25, 2020. The COT has modified phase two to reflect physical meetings, will assess phase two, and make a decision on entering phase two at the May 26, 2020, UCG. The City of Thibodaux continues to be involved in the response to this outbreak at the state, parish, and local levels. For the most accurate COVID-19 information, please refer to,, or the City website.
Phase 1
All departments will work at 100% staffing for a full workday using social distancing
Business activity will be conducted drive up/online/dropbox
City Court resumes operations
City parks open but all playgrounds, fields, pavilion facilities and buildings remain closed
All meetings with the exception of the UCG and departmental meetings will remain online only
COT buildings contract deep cleaned once/month
Phase 2
City playgrounds, buildings, fields (not programs) will re-open using social distancing
Playground equipment will be cleaned once/week
All business activity remains through drive-up/online/dropbox
All meetings transition to physical activity with social distancing
Employees must self-clean workspace once/week
All departments will regulate social distancing applied to the respective departments
Phase 3
COT services resume in full with social distancing
COT buildings open with physical activity using social distancing
All physical meetings require social distancing
The public using City programs must agree to social distancing guidelines as set by the COT
Historic District Meeting Notice
Post Date | Updated At |
Monday, May. 18th at 3:53 PM | Monday, May. 18th at 3:53 PM |
Phone: 446-7606
The City of Thibodaux Historic District Meeting will be conducting their regular meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. via the Zoom app, and the public is invited to join. The link below can be used to enter the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Ruby Maggio at 985-446-7208.